The Beginning Of A Personal Injury Case
Tampa personal injury lawyers protect the rights of injured victims to the compensation they deserve
Personal injury are two words that you hope never touch your life. However, in the imperfect world we live in, accidents are bound to happen and people are going to suffer injuries from those accidents that range from mild to debilitating and require a personal injury lawyer Tampa. In order to demystify the sometimes complicated legal issues that surround personal injury claims, this series of posts will give you an overview of the way the typical personal injury claim and/or lawsuit process works. Keep in mind that this is just an overview of the different parts of a personal injury case. Each case has its own specific details. Your personal injury lawyer Tampa will discuss your specific details.
If you have the misfortune of being involved in an accident that is due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness, one of your first priorities should be to contact a personal injury lawyer Tampa. The insurance company will more likely than not be pressuring you to settle quickly and for as little as they can get away with paying – before you contact an attorney. The insurance companies know that once you are represented by a personal injury lawyer Tampa that you are less likely to settle for a minimum amount of compensation for your injuries and/or damages. Westchase Law offers a consultation to evaluate your claim so you have nothing to lose by making an appointment prior to any discussions with the insurance company. Remember that the time to find an attorney is at the beginning of the process – not when it is too late for a lawyer to help you.
This is the first in a four-part series of posts. Stay tuned for our next post when we will discuss what happens after you choose an attorney to represent you in your personal injury case.