The Benefit Of Shared Parenting For Your Children

Oldsmar family law attorneys protect the best interests of the family during divorce and child custody cases
At Westchase Law, we know that the well-being of your children is the most important thing in your life. When an issue as to their custody or parenting is involved, a child custody attorney in Oldsmar will assess the situation and discuss the alternatives.
These days, Florida courts encourage a shared parenting arrangement if at all possible. In a shared parenting situation, both parents enjoy time to parent the children. This time might not be exactly 50/50, but rather a ratio that fits the schedule of the kids and parents. A court is more concerned about the best interest of the child or children than creating a 50/50 parenting plan. Meeting with a child custody attorney in Oldsmar will help you better understand Florida parenting plans.
Shared parenting means that both parents are decision makers for their children. One parent cannot unilaterally make major life decisions for their children without discussing it with the other parent. Both parents have equal right to their children’s medical and school records. Both parents have the responsibility of informing the other parent about important events and appointments coming up in the children’s lives. Note that in an emergency situation, the parent who is exercising their parenting time should make every effort to alert the other parent immediately. However, if this is not possible, the other parent should be notified as soon as possible. When put into practice, this plan is beneficial to the children. It illustrates that their parents, although not able to be a couple, can, as a parenting team, love and support them. As a child custody attorney in Oldsmar, our office will advise you to put your children’s best interests ahead of your feelings for your ex-spouse or partner.
At Westchase Law we want to be your child custody attorney in Oldsmar. Set up a consultation with one of our attorneys to consider all of your child custody options.