What Are The Benefits Of Divorce Mediation?

Many divorces are fraught with disputes that must be settled. Settling these disputes can be quite challenging, especially if neither spouse is on good terms with one another.
To help settle these disputes, the divorcing spouses can bring on a divorce mediator. A divorce mediator can, and will, help them settle these disputes in a reasonable manner.
What Is Divorce Mediation?
Divorce mediation is the process of settling disputes between two divorcing spouses. The divorce mediation process allows these disputes to be solved in a peaceful, and effective, manner.
The goal of a divorce mediator is to assist both spouses in settling their disputes. A divorce mediator cannot make decisions for either spouse, nor do they represent one spouse over the other.
Even though a divorce mediator cannot settle disputes on their own, they can facilitate peaceful communication. By doing so, divorcing spouses can settle their disputes in a reasonable manner, within a peaceful environment.
What Does A Divorce Mediator Help You With?
A divorce mediator’s job is that of helping spouses settle disputes. Some of the disputes divorce mediators can aid in settling are as follows:
- Child support and alimony disputes.
- Child custody disputes.
- Child time-sharing disputes.
- Division of property disputes.
- Division of debt disputes.
To settle these disputes, a mediator will meet with both spouses as a group. Depending on what happens during this meeting, the mediator may then meet with both spouses individually.
The purpose of these meetings is to facilitate effective communication. Each spouse is given a safe environment to express what it is they are looking to achieve and what they believe is right.
Right after the divorce mediation process concludes, there will be one of three outcomes. These outcomes are as follows:
- The spouses come to an agreement on all, or some, of their disputes.
- The mediator agrees to adjourn the mediation and continue it the next day.
- The divorce mediator declares an impasse, if one, or both, spouses are unwilling to further discuss resolving their disputes.
Regarding the latter outcome, both spouses must return to the judge. By doing so, the judge can select what they believe is the appropriate outcome and resolve their dispute.
What Are The Benefits Of Divorce Mediation?
Many divorce cases come with disputes. Solving these disputes can be challenging, especially if both spouses are having difficulties communicating.
By working with a divorce mediator, divorcing spouses can communicate in a more effective manner, while also enjoying other benefits. Some of the other benefits of divorce mediation are as follows:
- A divorce mediator is impartial, allowing for relaxed communication.
- The disputes are resolved by the divorcing spouses, rather than a judge or jury.
- Everything that is said during mediation is confidential.
- Agreements made during mediation, when put into writing and signed, are enforceable.
- Mediation is often cheaper, and faster, than a trial.
Each one of these benefits allows for disputes to be settled with relative ease. All of this allows for an easier, and less expensive, divorce process.
Speak With A Tampa Mediation Lawyer
Settling complicated disputes isn’t always easy. But, with a mediator, the process becomes much easier and considerably faster.
Speak with a skilled Tampa mediation lawyer. We will assist you in settling your disputes and coming to a resolution that works for everyone.