How Does The State Of Florida Determine What Is In The Best Interest Of Your Children?

To determine which child custody arrangement is best for a formerly-married couple’s children, the state of Florida must determine what is in the best interest of the couple’s children.
The process of determining what is in the best interest of a formerly-married couple’s children involves going over a wide variety of factors.
Being aware of these factors, and taking actions to strengthen or mitigate the circumstances that underlie these factors, can make it easier to obtain a favorable custody arrangement.
How Does The State Of Florida Determine What Is In The Best Interest Of Your Children?
To determine which parent will be granted primary custody of the children that a couple share, the state of Florida goes over a variety of factors to determine what is in the best interest of those children.
Some of the most notable factors that are used to determine what is in the best interest of a married couple’s children are as follows:
- The ability of each parent to uphold their parental responsibilities.
- The ability of each parent to remain informed of their child’s developmental needs.
- The ability of each parent to meet their child’s developmental needs.
- The ability of each parent to remain informed of their child’s daily life.
- The ability of each parent to provide their child with a stable and consistent home life.
Outside of these factors, the court also considers the following:
- The responsibilities of each parent, with regards to their children’s lives.
- The participation of each parent, with regards to their children’s lives.
All of this information is used to determine what is in the best interest of a couple’s children and, in turn, who should be granted primary custody of the children.
What Other Factors Determine What Is In The Best Interest Of Your Children?
Even though the above factors are thorough, they are not the only factors the state of Florida considers. Rather, the state of Florida also considers factors that pertain to the relationship between each parent and, in turn, their health.
Some of the factors that the state of Florida considers, with regards to the above, are as follows:
- Each parent’s ability to get along with the other, with regards to raising their children.
- Each parent’s mental and physical health, as well as their ability to make moral/ethical decisions.
To go along with the above, the court also considers child-specific factors, such as the following:
- Each child’s relationship with each parent.
- Each child’s wishes, if they are mature enough.
- Each child’s education and healthcare needs.
The final factor that must be mentioned is that the state of Florida also considers whether any mistreatment, neglect, or abuse has taken place and, if so, which parent was responsible for these actions.
Speak With A Tampa Parenting Plan & Timesharing Lawyer Today
The state of Florida considers a wide variety of different factors, when determining what is in the best interest of the child. Speak with a Tampa parenting plan and timesharing lawyer at today, and we will assist you in obtaining the best possible child custody arrangement.