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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


How Can You Establish Paternity In Tampa, Florida?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

A number of familial conflicts center on issues related to paternity and who is considered the legal father of a child. To resolve these issues, it is imperative that a father establishes their paternity. By doing so, they, and their children, will be granted a number of important rights.  What Is Paternity?  Paternity is… Read More »

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What Is Temporary Custody?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

Within the state of Florida, the biological parents will, in almost all cases, maintain full custody of their child. This remains the case throughout that child’s journey from childhood to adulthood. Sometimes, though, a situation arises in which full-custody is either not possible or inadvisable. When this happens, temporary custody is worth considering..  What… Read More »

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Can Your Passport Be Revoked, If You Don’t Pay Child Support?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

No matter what, an individual who has been ordered to pay child support must do so. A failure to pay child support can lead to that individual facing a number of consequences. Just as the title of this article implies, one of these consequences has to do with an individual’s passport. But, there are… Read More »

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What Do Lawyers Look For When Trying To Find Hidden Assets?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

When going through a divorce, some spouses choose to hide assets. By doing so, a spouse can claim that they earn and have less than they do, reducing their child support and/or alimony obligations. To find these hidden assets, lawyers rely on Florida’s mandatory disclosure laws and a careful examination of the financial documents… Read More »

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Will Divorce Mediation Make The Separation Process Easier For Your Kids?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

Every divorce involves its fair share of disputes. Dealing with these disputes can be a source of conflict and tension on its own but, when kids are involved, things become even more complicated. To reduce the conflict and tension a divorce often provokes, parents can rely on divorce mediation. By doing so, they can… Read More »

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How Can You Change Your Name In Tampa, Florida?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

Some people want to change their name. But, in order for them to do so in Tampa, Florida, they must adhere to a very particular set of requirements, as well as a specific process. By being aware of the name change requirements, as well as the name change process, changing one’s name becomes much… Read More »

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What Is The Difference Between Divorce & Annulment?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

Within the state of Florida, there are two ways to end a marriage: divorce and annulment. Both of these ways differ from each other and can only be used within certain circumstances.  What Is A Divorce?  A divorce is a formal dissolution of a marriage. Right after a divorce is granted, the marriage no… Read More »

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Can You Hide Assets In A Divorce?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

When a married couple chooses to divorce, their assets are often divided. The specifics of this division are determined by a number of factors, including: Each spouse’s contribution to the marriage. Each spouse’s financial situation. Each spouse’s current financial and professional opportunities. Sometimes, one spouse is awarded more assets than another spouse, as a… Read More »

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Can Visitation Rights Be Taken Away In Florida?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

Visitation rights are rights that the court grants to a non-custodial parent. By granting a non-custodial parent visitation rights, that parent is allowed to see and visit their child. But, in certain circumstances, these visitation rights can be modified or taken away.  Can Visitation Rights Be Taken Away In Florida  Within the State of… Read More »

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Does The Length Of A Marriage Affect Alimony?

By Westchase Law P.A. |

Many factors go into determining alimony. Some of these factors include: Each spouse’s net income. Each spouse’s domestic responsibilities. Each spouse’s health. Each spouse’s education. Each spouse’s earning capacity. The lifestyle each spouse enjoyed during the marriage. The length of the marriage. One of all of these factors, the length of the marriage, and… Read More »

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