Category Archives: Alimony

What are the Grounds for Terminating Alimony in Florida?
Alimony, or spousal support, is a periodic payment made by one spouse to the other. The purpose of alimony is to help the spouse maintain their standard of living after the divorce has been finalized or during the divorce process. If you are the payer of alimony and concerned that it’s impacting your finances,… Read More »

Is Adultery a Factor in Whether the Courts Award Alimony?
It stands to reason that you wouldn’t want to pay alimony to a cheating spouse. Why would you? You may feel as though they caused the breakdown of the marriage and they don’t deserve to be paid for an extended period of time for doing so. It’s perfectly natural to feel that way. Florida… Read More »

Former Wife’s Petition for a Reduction of Alimony Payments is Denied by the Court
Florida law allows a former spouse to petition for a reduction or increase in alimony payments when the spouse can establish that the financial situation of one or both spouses has significantly changed. In one Florida divorce case, Krause v. Krause, the former wife was making alimony payments to her former husband. According to… Read More »

Wife Appeals Ruling to Deny Alimony in Florida Divorce Case
In the case of Wright v. Wright, the parties were married for 18 years. They had four children, three of whom were minors at the time of the final hearing. The former husband earned approximately $177,000 as a risk manager with a national bank. The former wife was a business analyst with a different… Read More »

Appeals Court Rules on Termination of Alimony Due to Supportive Relationship
It is not uncommon for a Florida divorce settlement to include some form of alimony or spousal support paid by one spouse to another. In such agreements, the individual paying alimony may stipulate that the alimony would terminate if the spouse receiving alimony enters into a supportive relationship with another partner. The Third District… Read More »

What Is Florida’s New Alimony Bill And How Will It Affect Spouses Who Receive Alimony?
On June 30th, of 2023. SB 1416 was signed into law. The new law overhauls Florida’s alimony system, introducing new restrictions and limitations that can, and will, affect those who receive alimony or are set to receive alimony. By being aware of the restrictions and limitations SB 1416 creates, a spouse who is set… Read More »

If Your Spouse Cheated On You, Can You Avoid Alimony?
A spouse cheating on the other spouse can, and often does, lead to the end of a marriage. Even though cheating is significant, a spouse who has been cheated on may not be able to avoid being ordered to pay alimony. What Is Alimony? Right after a divorce, it is not uncommon for one… Read More »

Can You Stop Paying Permanent Alimony If Your Former Spouse Moves In With A New Partner?
Some spouses are ordered to pay permanent alimony, after their marriage ends. But, if certain conditions are met, this permanent alimony order can end, even if the new spouse does not remarry. What Is Alimony? The definition of “alimony” is as follows: financial assistance/monetary support that is paid to one spouse after a marriage… Read More »

Does The Length Of A Marriage Affect Alimony?
Many factors go into determining alimony. Some of these factors include: Each spouse’s net income. Each spouse’s domestic responsibilities. Each spouse’s health. Each spouse’s education. Each spouse’s earning capacity. The lifestyle each spouse enjoyed during the marriage. The length of the marriage. One of all of these factors, the length of the marriage, and… Read More »