Category Archives: Wills

Can I Receive Child Support if My Co-Parent is a 1099 Worker?
As of October 1, 2021, all Florida businesses that hire 1099 workers (independent contractors) are required to report these payments to the Florida Department of Revenue to ensure that parents receive child support payments. Prior to the passage of this law, it was difficult to track down 1099 workers’ income. A worker could avoid… Read More »

Am I Responsible for My Spouse’s Student Loan Debt if We Divorce?
In order to successfully answer this question, you have to understand the concept of the marital estate. That is what gets divided in the event of a Florida divorce. The marital estate begins the moment you get married and ends when your divorce petition is filed. If the student loans were accrued during the… Read More »
Online Notarization of Wills, Power of Attorney, Health Care Surrogate, Revocable Living Trust
SUGGESTION: I am asking Governor Ron DeSantis and our elected officials to expedite the implementation of FL. STAT. 732.522 by changing the effective date of the online notarization law from JULY 1, 2020 to EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY so that we can notarize the signing of estate planning documents online during quarantine at a time when… Read More »